Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (2024)

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (1)

Did anyone read the recent article in the Wall Street Journal about Why Chinese mothers are better mothers? It was one of those topics that was sent to me by a friend and had me alternately cringing and laughing at the same time. In it the writer Amy Chua purports that raising children "the Chinese mother way" i.e. strictly and expecting better from them does them goodin the long term.

The article was of course written to incite comment rather than reflect the tone of the actual book cherry picking the most controversial parts whereas the book discusses the mistakes and regerets that she had and that one of her children rebelled. One thing I remember having a chuckle about was when she tells us some things that her daughters were never allowed to do.

  • attend a sleepover

  • have a playdate

  • be in a school play

  • complain about not being in a school play

  • watch TV or play computer games

  • choose their own extracurricular activities

  • get any grade less than an A

  • not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama

  • play any instrument other than the piano or violin

  • not play the piano or violin

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (2)

Let me go through that list for me and my parents:

  • attend a sleepover (I held and attended lots of sleepovers)

  • have a playdate (I definitely had these)

  • be in a school play (we didn't hold school plays, is that an American thing?)

  • complain about not being in a school play (I wanted to be in one so I may have complained abouttheschool not holding one)

  • watch TV or play computer games (I was allowed to do both although bear in mind a computer game was Pac Man and Space Invaders when I was a kid)

  • choose their own extracurricular activities (well apparently food blogging for children hadn't developed what with the internet not being around so with nothing else at my disposal I was allowed to choose homework)

  • get any grade less than an A (well I did really let them downconsistentlyhere)

  • not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama (lol again I must have been a huge disappointment although I upheld the Chinese child tradition of failing in gym)

  • play any instrument other than the piano or violin (I did a couple of years on the piano but they gave up soon after_i was not going to break out with Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, I was more a Für Elise gal-the abridged aka simple version)

  • not play the piano or violin (my lack of talent decided my fate here)

This list was interesting to me because I felt that my parents were incredibly strict with me growing up. Yet from having a look at this list my parents were utter slackers! :P I then spoke to a friend Buxom Wench who told us that her child Clone No. 1 said "Don't worry, mum, you're a failed Asian mother, I'm going to get you a t-shirt that says so. On the back it can say, 'I forgot to ruin my kid's life". And she mused aloud and said "Maybe I can wear it to Chinese New Year...hahaha".

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (3)

I do recall wishing that my friend's parents were mine though. Another aspect that my parents were strict was more from my father's side. He only ate Chinese food so we never got to try anything different for the first decade of our lives unless it was bought from my pocket money or eaten at a friend's house. I hated it back then, all I wanted was something different but now, if I don't have Chinese food for a couple of weeks I start to crave it.

These Xiao Long Baos were actually something that we didn't grow up eating. Instead for us dumplings were the Cantonese yum cha variety. But when my mother asked me what I would like to have to Chinese New Year I suggested these. Both of our interests were peaked atwatchingthem being made at New Shanghai but the restaurant weren't willing to share their secret recipe so I looked for a recipe and found one at Steamy Kitchen which looked the part. It had the telltale gelatine broth that oncesteamed, turned into a lovely hot soup to be sipped from the dumpling.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (4)

The recipe was quite clear and we just adjusted it to add a little more salt and ginger. I made the dough in the bowl of an electric mixer but of course if you don't have this you can follow the original recipe's instructions of mixing it with chopsticks and a bowl. So what was the verdict? Scrumdiddyumptious indeed! They're a bit of work yes but most of the time is taken up by the jelly broth but considering that it makes about 50-60 dumplings, it's best made and eaten in a group of hungry,nimble fingered eaters. Good reward for good effort if you will (and doesn't that make me sound like Amy Chua? ;) ).

So tell me Dear Reader, what did you think of that article? And were your parents strict when you were growing up?

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (5)

Xiao Long Bao - Shanghai Soup Dumplings

Adapted from Steamy Kitchen

The Soup

  • 2 quarts/2 litres of water

  • 2 pounds/900 g chicken bones (wings/back/neck)

  • 2 ounces/60 g of Virginia Smithfield ham (or cured Chinese ham if you can get it), cut into 4 pieces (Virginia ham)

  • 1/2 pound/250g of pork skin & fat (you can ask your butcher for this, he’ll most likely just give it to you. you could alsouse pork belly, or just a fatty cut of pork)

  • 1 inch piece of ginger, sliced into 4-5 ginger “coins”

  • 2 green onions, cut into 3 inch pieces

  • 2 large garlic cloves, smashed with side of your knife

  • 2 teaspoons of Chinese rice wine (or dry sherry)

  • 1 tablespoon powdered Agar Agar or 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin

Step 1 - Wash pork thoroughly. Take the pork skin and with the backside of your knife, firmly scrape the surface of the skin to clean it further. This will help you produce a cleaner soup. Rinse again. Place all ingredients in a large stockpot. When all ingredients come to a boil, immediately turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Skim surface of impurities constantly to keep soup clean and clear. Or, you could make the broth in half the time. When the soup is done. Strain and discard solids. Wewill only use 4 cups of broth. (Save the rest for soup!)

Step 2 - Place 4 cups of the broth back in the pot, turn on the heat. When just about to boil again, turn heat off and add the agar-agar or gelatin. Whisk for 2 minutes until all powder is dissolved. Pour broth into containers to set. Refrigerate until set, about 3-4 hours.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (6)

The Filling

  • 1 lb/450 g ground pork

  • 1/4 lb/125 g shrimp, shelled, deveined and minced finely

  • 3 stalks green onion, finely minced

  • 2 teaspoons sugar

  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce

  • 3 teaspoons salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon white pepper

  • 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger

  • 1 teaspoon Chinese rice wine (or dry sherry)

  • 1/4 teaspoon sesame oil

Step 1 - Mix all ingredients. Remember the broth gelatin above? When the broth gelatin is set, run a fork through it, with criss-cross motion, to break up into very small 1/4? pieces. Take about 2 cups of the gelatinised broth and add that to the filling mixture. Stir to incorporate evenly throughout. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (7)

Mom’s Hot Water Dough
(makes about 50-50 dumplings)

  • 400 grams of all-purpose flour (but please re-read the part above re: dough)

  • 3/4 cups boiling hot water

  • 1/4 cup cold water

  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (8)

Step 1 - Put 90% of the flour in the mixing bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. One the lowest speed pour about a third of the hot water in the flour. Add the rest of the hot water until the dough begins to form. Add the cold water and oil. Add the remaining 40 grams of flour and knead on the lowest setting for about 4-5 minutes until the dough becomes elastic. Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit for 30 minutes.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (9)

Step 2 - Divide the dough into four equal pieces. Take one piece (cover the remaining 3 pieces with plastic wrap) and roll it into a long log, about 1-1/4? diameter. Using pastry scraper or knife, cut dough into 10-14 pieces. Roll one of the pieces between your palms to get a nice, round, smooth ball. Dust the counter top lightlywithflour keep a small pile of flour to the side so keep the surface dry and floured. Roll each ball of dough out into a circle using a small, light rolling pin (I used acannoli mold which is actually a wooden broomstick cut into pieces) and then using the end of the small rolling pin, roll out the edges so that they are thinner so that there is a thicker circle in the centre.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (10)

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (11)

Step 3 - With your left hand (if you are right handed) make a C with your thumb and foirefinger and rest the pastry dics in there. Fill the centre with filling ensuring that you get lots of the gelatine bits. With your thumb and forefinger of your right hand pinch pleat the dumplings together. Cover any dough and made dumplings so that they don't dry out.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (12)

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (13)

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (14)

To steam

  • 1 head of Napa or wombok cabbage, leaves separated or circles of baking paper

Step 1 - Fill steamer with 1 layer of Napa cabbage leaves. Steam over medium heat for 2 minutes to warm up the steamer and to soften cabbage. Place dumplings on the cabbage leaves, leaving 1 1/2? space between each dumpling. Steam for 12 minutes. Serve in bamboo steamer.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (15)

**The Dipping Sauce **

  • a few slices of red chilli

  • 1/2 cup black vinegar

  • 1/2 cup soy sauce

  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

  • 1 tablespoon of shaved ginger

Step 1 - Combine all of the above and serve as a dipping sauce and refrigerate until ready for use.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (16)

Published on 2011-02-02 by Lorraine Elliott.

Xiao Long Bao, Shanghai Soup Dumpling recipe & instructions (2024)


How do you cook frozen Shanghai soup dumplings? ›

Shanghai soup dumplings cooking instructions:
  1. Take your Steamies Dumplings bag out of your freezer.
  2. Boil a pot of water.
  3. Lay a parchment paper in your steamer and add a thin coat of oil.
  4. Place frozen soup dumplings on the parchment paper, with sufficient spaces apart.
  5. Steam for 10 minutes.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

What is xiao long bao from Shanghai? ›

Shanghai-style xiaolongbao originated in Nanxiang, which was a neighboring village of Shanghai in Jiangsu that eventually ended up becoming an outer suburb of Shanghai's Jiading District. The inventor of xiaolongbao sold them in his first store in Nanxiang next to the town's notable park, Guyi Garden.

What is the difference between soup dumplings and xiao long bao? ›

Although it's called a soup dumpling, xiao long bao are not actually filled with soup. Rather, they're filled with chopped cooked pork (and sometimes crab) along with plenty of collagen-rich pork trimmings.

How do you cook frozen Bao dumplings? ›

  1. In wok or pan, bring 2-3 inches of water to a boil.
  2. Place frozen bao in a steamer basket and place basket in wok or pan, being careful not to get bao wet.
  3. For best results, ensure bao do not touch each other or the sides of the basket.
  4. Steam for 10 minutes with lid on.

How do you cook frozen dumplings at home? ›

Heat a pan on medium-high with a couple tablespoons of oil in it. Once hot, add your frozen dumplings. Cook in oil for about three to four minutes, turning once to sear multiple sides. Then add just enough water to cover dumplings about halfway, turn the heat down to medium-low, and cover with a tight-fitting lid.

What does Xiao Long Bao mean in English? ›

Whilst the dumplings received much adoration, the name didn't stick, eventually changing to xiao long bao, meaning 'little basket bun'.

How do you eat Shanghai xiao long bao? ›

To eat them you pick them up with chopsticks, dip them gingerly into sauce,* then proceed by either nibbling off a corner of dough and sucking out the soup, or by downing the whole thing in one go, letting it burst in your mouth like a savory Chinese Gusher.

What does Xiao Bao Bao mean? ›

“Xiao” means “l*ttle,” and “bao” often means “bun,” so “xiao bao bao” can mean “little bun.” Colloquially, “xiao bao bao” can also mean “l*ttle hug.” “Bao bao” means “I'm full” in Cantonese, Yee said.

Can you boil Shanghai dumplings? ›

We adore eating these SHANGHAI PORK + BOK CHOY WONTONS / DUMPLINGS simply boiled until cooked through and served in a light chicken broth for a cozy meal. Sometimes we'll drain a batch of boiled ones and pan-fry too for the best of both worlds.

What is the difference between Hong Kong and Shanghai dumpling? ›

Thin, round, yellow wrapper, thinner than the Shanghai style wrappers that allows for a more delicate texture (3.5” diameter).

What is the difference between Shanghai and Cantonese rice dumplings? ›

When it comes to fillings, savoury dumplings tend to contain salted pork and ham, while sweet dumplings are made with red bean paste. They are much simpler in comparison with Cantonese-style dumplings, but the fresh aroma of leaves and the sponginess of glutinous rice are much more pronounced in the Shanghainese style.

Why are soup dumplings so good? ›

A soup dumpling is made from three main parts: a supple, delicately thin dumpling skin; rich, juicy meat; and a seasoned broth. At room temperature, the broth has a gelatin texture, but when it's steamed, the dumpling becomes a little packet of hot soup and meat.

What do Chinese people call soup dumplings? ›

Xiao Long Bao (XLB), or soup dumplings, are probably the most famous of Shangai's steamed dumplings, and rightly so. These are delicately pleated balls of dough with broth and pork meat filling. Yes - they don't float in the soup. Instead, they encase the yummy warm broth inside the dough wrapper.

Are bao buns the same as soup dumplings? ›

To Summarize. In summary, bao buns are made from fermented yeast dough, while dumplings are only made from wheat flour without the yeast. Since bao dough contains yeast, it needs more time to rise and results in thinner skin than dumplings. In terms of cooking, baos are usually steamed, baked, and sometimes pan-fried.

Are frozen soup dumplings pre cooked? ›

Our dumplings are flash-frozen while raw, so when we ship them to your door you actually cook them yourself, as opposed to reheating pre-cooked frozen food. That means super-fresh, juicy dumplings straight from steamer to table in 11 minutes flat.

How to heat frozen soup dumplings? ›

Yes, you can freeze soup dumplings and reheat them later. Place the dumplings in an airtight container or freezer bag and make sure they are properly sealed. To reheat, the best method is to steam them directly from frozen for 6-8 minutes until heated through.


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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.