Set up a WSL development environment (2024)

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A step-by-step guide to the best practices for setting up a WSL development environment. Learn how to run the command to install the default Bash shell that uses Ubuntu or can be set to install other Linux distributions, use basic WSL commands, set up Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio, Git, Windows Credential Manager, databases like MongoDB, Postgres, or MySQL, set up GPU acceleration, run GUI apps, and more.

Get started

Windows Subsystem for Linux comes with the Windows operating system, but you must enable it and install a Linux distribution before you can begin using it.

To use the simplified --install command, you must be running a recent build of Windows (Build 20262+). To check your version and build number, select Windows logo key + R, type winver, select OK. You can update using the Settings menu or Windows Update Assistant.

If you prefer to install a Linux distribution other than Ubuntu, or would prefer to complete these steps manually, see the WSL installation page for more details.

Open PowerShell (or Windows Command Prompt) and enter:

wsl --install

The --install command performs the following actions:

  • Enables the optional WSL and Virtual Machine Platform components
  • Downloads and installs the latest Linux kernel
  • Sets WSL 2 as the default
  • Downloads and installs the Ubuntu Linux distribution (reboot may be required)

You will need to restart your machine during this installation process.

Set up a WSL development environment (1)

Check the troubleshooting installation article if you run into any issues.

Set up your Linux username and password

Once the process of installing your Linux distribution with WSL is complete, open the distribution (Ubuntu by default) using the Start menu. You will be asked to create a User Name and Password for your Linux distribution.

  • This User Name and Password is specific to each separate Linux distribution that you install and has no bearing on your Windows user name.

  • Please note that whilst entering the Password, nothing will appear on screen. This is called blind typing. You won't see what you are typing, this is completely normal.

  • Once you create a User Name and Password, the account will be your default user for the distribution and automatically sign-in on launch.

  • This account will be considered the Linux administrator, with the ability to run sudo (Super User Do) administrative commands.

  • Each Linux distribution running on WSL has its own Linux user accounts and passwords. You will have to configure a Linux user account every time you add a distribution, reinstall, or reset.


Linux distributions installed with WSL are a per-user installation and can't be shared with other Windows user accounts. Encountering a username error? StackExchange: What characters should I use or not use in usernames on Linux?

Set up a WSL development environment (2)

To change or reset your password, open the Linux distribution and enter the command: passwd. You will be asked to enter your current password, then asked to enter your new password, and then to confirm your new password.

If you forgot the password for your Linux distribution:

  1. Open PowerShell and enter the root of your default WSL distribution using the command: wsl -u root

    If you need to update the forgotten password on a distribution that is not your default, use the command: wsl -d Debian -u root, replacing Debian with the name of your targeted distribution.

  2. Once your WSL distribution has been opened at the root level inside PowerShell, you can use this command to update your password: passwd <username> where <username> is the username of the account in the distribution whose password you've forgotten.

  3. You will be prompted to enter a new UNIX password and then confirm that password. Once you're told that the password has updated successfully, close WSL inside of PowerShell using the command: exit.

Update and upgrade packages

We recommend that you regularly update and upgrade your packages using the preferred package manager for the distribution. For Ubuntu or Debian, use the command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Windows does not automatically update or upgrade your Linux distribution(s). This is a task that most Linux users prefer to control themselves.

Add additional distributions

To add additional Linux distributions, you can install via the Microsoft Store, via the --import command, or by sideloading your own custom distribution. You may also want to set up custom WSL images for distribution across your enterprise company.

Set up Windows Terminal

Windows Terminal can run any application with a command line interface. Its main features include multiple tabs, panes, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated text rendering engine, and the ability to create your own themes and customize text, colors, backgrounds, and shortcuts.

Whenever a new WSL Linux distribution is installed, a new instance will be created for it inside the Windows Terminal that can be customized to your preferences.

We recommend using WSL with Windows Terminal, especially if you plan to work with multiple command lines. See the Windows Terminal docs for help with setting it up and customizing your preferences, including:

  • Install Windows Terminal or Windows Terminal (Preview) from the Microsoft Store
  • Use the Command Palette
  • Set up custom actions like keyboard shortcuts to make the terminal feel natural to your preferences
  • Set up the default startup profile
  • Customize the appearance: theme, color schemes, name and starting directory, background image, etc.
  • Learn how to use command line arguments like opening a terminal with multiple command lines split into window panes or tabs
  • Learn about the search feature
  • Find tips and tricks, like how to rename or color a tab, use mouse interactions, or enable "Quake mode"
  • Find tutorials on how to set up a customized command prompt, SSH profiles, or tab titles
  • Find a custom terminal gallery and a troubleshooting guide

Set up a WSL development environment (3)

File storage

  • To open your WSL project in Windows File Explorer, enter: explorer.exe .
    Be sure to add the period at the end of the command to open the current directory.

  • Store your project files on the same operating system as the tools you plan to use.
    For the fastest performance speed, store your files in the WSL file system if you are working on them with Linux tools in a Linux command line (Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, etc). If you're working in a Windows command line (PowerShell, Command Prompt) with Windows tools, store your files in the Windows file system. Files can be accessed across the operating systems, but it may significantly slow down performance.

For example, when storing your WSL project files:

  • Use the Linux file system root directory: \\wsl$\<DistroName>\home\<UserName>\Project
  • Not the Windows file system root directory: C:\Users\<UserName>\Project or /mnt/c/Users/<UserName>/Project$

Set up a WSL development environment (4)

Set up your favorite code editor

We recommend using Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio, as they directly support remote development and debugging with WSL. Visual Studio Code allows you to use WSL as a full-featured development environment. Visual Studio offers native WSL support for C++ cross-platform development.

Use Visual Studio Code

Follow this step-by-step guide to Get started using Visual Studio Code with WSL, which includes installing the Remote Development extension pack. This extension enables you to run WSL, SSH, or a development container for editing and debugging with the full set of Visual Studio Code features. Quickly swap between different, separate development environments and make updates without worrying about impacting your local machine.

Once VS Code is installed and set up, you can open your WSL project with a VS Code remote server by entering: code .

Be sure to add the period at the end of the command to open the current directory.

Set up a WSL development environment (5)

Use Visual Studio

Follow this step-by-step guide to Get started using Visual Studio with WSL for C++ cross-platform development. Visual Studio 2022 enables you to build and debug CMake projects on Windows, WSL distributions, and SSH connections from the same instance of Visual Studio.

Set up a WSL development environment (6)

Set up version management with Git

Follow this step-by-step guide to Get started using Git on WSL and connect your project to the Git version control system, along with using the credential manager for authentication, using Git Ignore files, understanding Git line endings, and using the Git commands built-in to VS Code.

Set up a WSL development environment (7)

Set up remote development containers with Docker

Follow this step-by-step guide to Get started with Docker remote containers on WSL 2 and connect your project to a remote development container with Docker Desktop for Windows.

Set up a WSL development environment (8)

Set up a database

Follow this step-by-step guide to Get started with databases on WSL and connect your project to a database in the WSL environment. Get started with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Microsoft SQL Server, or SQLite.

Set up a WSL development environment (9)

Set up GPU acceleration for faster performance

Follow this step-by-step guide to set up GPU accelerated machine learning training in WSL and leverage your computer's GPU (graphics processing unit) to accelerate performance heavy workloads.

Set up a WSL development environment (10)

Basic WSL commands

The Linux distributions that you install via WSL are best managed using PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt (CMD). See the WSL command reference guide for a list of basic commands to be familiar with when using WSL.

In addition, many commands are interoperable between Windows and Linux. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Run Linux tools from a Windows command line: Open PowerShell and display the directory contents of C:\temp> using the Linux ls -la command by entering: wsl ls -la

  • Mix Linux and Windows commands: In this example, the Linux command ls -la is used to list files in the directory, then the PowerShell command findstr is used to filter the results for words containing "git": wsl ls -la | findstr "git". This could also be done mixing the Windows dir command with the Linux grep command: dir | wsl grep git.

  • Run a Windows tool directly from the WSL command line: <tool-name>.exeFor example, to open your .bashrc file (the shell script that runs whenever your Linux command line is started), enter: notepad.exe .bashrc

  • Run the Windows ipconfig.exe tool with the Linux Grep tool: From Bash enter the command ipconfig.exe | grep IPv4 | cut -d: -f2 or from PowerShell enter ipconfig.exe | wsl grep IPv4 | wsl cut -d: -f2This example demonstrates the ipconfig tool on the Windows file system being used to display the current TCP/IP network configuration values and then being filtered to only the IPv4 result with grep, a Linux tool.

Mount an external drive or USB

Follow this step-by-step guide to Get started mounting a Linux disk in WSL 2.

Set up a WSL development environment (11)

Run Linux GUI apps

Follow this tutorial to learn how to set up and run Linux GUI apps on WSL.

Additional resources

  • Set up your development environment on Windows: Learn more about setting up your development environment for your preferred language or framework, such as React, Python, NodeJS, Vue, etc.
  • Troubleshooting: Find common issues, where to report bugs, where to request new features, and how to contribute to the docs.
  • FAQs: Find a list of frequently asked questions.
  • Release Notes: Review the WSL Release Notes for a history of past build updates. You can also find the release notes for the WSL Linux Kernel.
Set up a WSL development environment (2024)


How do I set up a development environment in WSL? ›

Just follow these steps: If you have not already, install and setup Docker Desktop's WSL 2 support. Tip: Go to Settings > Resources > WSL Integration and enable Docker integration with the WSL distribution you will be using. If you have not already, install the Dev Containers extension along with the WSL extension.

Is WSL good enough for development? ›

Hell, not just viable, but better in many regards. WSL lets you run a real Linux distribution natively, so you can use the same package manager that you'll deploy against. Oh, and since it's x86, you'll be building Docker images for your server hardware in a fraction of the time it takes to multi-arch on arm64.

What is a WSL environment? ›

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a feature of Windows that allows you to run a Linux environment on your Windows machine, without the need for a separate virtual machine or dual booting.

What are the minimum requirements for WSL? ›

System Requirements
  • To use the straightforward method of installing WSL2, described in this guide, you must be running Windows 10 version 2004 and higher (Build 19041 and higher) or Windows 11.
  • For DDEV on Windows WSL2, you require 8GB RAM and 256GB storage.
Jan 27, 2024

How do you set up a dev environment? ›

How to set up a dev environment on Windows
  1. Install Windows Terminal.
  2. Install Visual Studio Code.
  3. Install Git.
  4. Install NodeJS and npm.
  5. Install Express.js.
  6. Install React.
  7. Install PostgreSQL.

How to create a development environment Linux? ›

Setting up a development environment on Linux
  1. Before you begin. First, clone the OpenCue git repository to your machine. ...
  2. Database setup. ...
  3. Running Cuebot. ...
  4. Create a virtual environment. ...
  5. Configure PyCharm. ...
  6. Generate gRPC Python code. ...
  7. Running RQD. ...
  8. Running CueGUI.
Jul 12, 2023

What is WSL setup? ›

The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets you run a Linux environment, including command-line tools and applications, directly on Windows, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dual boot setup.

Can WSL run a desktop environment? ›

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) now supports running Linux GUI applications (X11 and Wayland) on Windows in a fully integrated desktop experience.

How to create a virtual environment in WSL? ›

Virtual Environment
  1. Create the venv and fix permissions: sudo virtualenv --python=python3 ~/weblate-env sudo chown -R {YOUR USERNAME}:{YOUR USERNAME} /home/{YOUR USERNAME}/weblate-env-2.
  2. Activate, or step into, the virtual environment: Source ~/weblate-env/bin/activate.

What are the benefits of WSL? ›

Using WSL has several benefits. Firstly, it enables developers to utilize Linux® tools and utilities without having to switch to a different operating system or set up a virtual machine. This makes it easier to develop and test cross-platform applications.

What is the difference between WSL and WSL2? ›

The primary differences between WSL 1 and WSL 2 are the use of an actual Linux kernel inside a managed VM, support for full system call compatibility, and performance across the Linux and Windows operating systems.

How does WSL work? ›

WSL can run Windows executables from Linux, which could also lead to a different environment than a traditional Linux VM. The Linux kernel used by WSL is updated automatically. GPU access in WSL happens through a /dev/dxg device, which routes GPU calls out to the Windows GPU.

How do I set environment variables in wsl2? ›

You can choose between setting it for the current user or all users.
  1. To set permanent environment variables for a single user, edit the .bashrc file: sudo nano ~/.bashrc.
  2. Write a line for each variable you wish to add using the following syntax: export [VARIABLE_NAME]=[variable_value]
  3. now restart your terminal.
Dec 11, 2020

How to setup Python development environment on Windows? ›

  1. Set up your development environment. We recommend installing Python on WSL when building web applications. ...
  2. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux. ...
  3. Set up Visual Studio Code. ...
  4. Create a new project. ...
  5. Install Python, pip, and venv. ...
  6. Create a virtual environment. ...
  7. Open a WSL - Remote window. ...
  8. Install the Microsoft Python extension.
Nov 1, 2023


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.