Osama bin Laden children: Who are his daughters and sons? (2024)

OSAMA bin Laden was killed in 2011 - following a ten-year manhunt over the 9/11 attacks.

But, the former Al Qaeda leader left behind numerous children from numerous wives. Here's everything we know about the family.


How many children does Osama bin Laden have?

Osama bin Laden has an estimated 19 children from various wives.

They are:

  • Abdallah bin Laden (born 1976)
  • Abdul Rahman bin Laden (born 1978)
  • Saad bin Laden (1979–2009)
  • Omar bin Laden (born 1981)
  • Osman bin Laden (born 1983)
  • Mohammed bin Osama bin Laden (born 1985)
  • Fatima bin Laden (born 1987)
  • Iman bin Laden (born 1990)
  • Laden "Bakr" bin Laden (born 1993)
  • Roqaya bin Laden (born 1997)
  • Nour bin Laden (born 1999)
  • Ali bin Laden (born 1986)
  • Amer bin Laden (born 1990)
  • Aisha bin Laden (born 1992)
  • Hamza bin Laden (1989–2019)
  • Khalid bin Laden (1988–2011
  • Kadhija bin Laden (1988–2007)
  • Miriam bin Laden (born 1990)
  • Sumaiya bin Laden (born 1992)


Who is Abdallah bin Laden?

Abdallah bin Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, 44, is the son of Osama bin Laden.

He hit headlines and alerted global terror cops in the 1980s due to his affiliation with the Annandale, Virginia offices of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, an organisation long suspected of terrorism links by the FBI.

Shortly after 9/11, investigative reporter Greg Palast also noted links between Abdallah's old home to the building that housed The World Assembly of Muslim Youth, and the closeness of the listed address of the hijackers who attacked New York and Washington.

He now runs a business in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and is closely watched by authorities there, with his movement out of the country restricted.

According to reports, he has never denounced his terrorist dad and requested bin Laden's death certificate from US authorities following his death, but was informed one had not been issued.


Who is Saad bin Laden?

Saʻd bin Usāmah bin Muḥammad bin Awaḍ bin Lādin, a once-active al Qaeda member, died in 2009.

Following 9/11 he fled to Iran and was detained by authorities there.

But in 2002, he was linked to the bombing of a Tunisian synagogue which killed 19, and again in 2003 linked to further bombings in Saudi Arabia and Morocco but his family have always denied he was involved.

In July 2009 NPR reported Saad had been killed in a US drone strike.

Originally sources close to the suspected terrorist denied his death, but it was later confirmed by letters found at the compound where bin Laden was killed and also in a 2012 video message from al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.


Who is Omar bin Laden?

Omar bin Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, 39, is an al-Queda defector and businessman.

Omar said he was forced to train for the terrorist group since age 14, but left in 2000 as he objected to killing civilians.

In 2006 Omar, just 27 at the time, married 51-year-old Brit gran Jane Felix-Browne from Cheshire.

The pair had a brief holiday romance in Egypt before their nuptials, but shortly announced their divorce in 2007.

The transatlantic lovers later said they made the announcements under duress and threats to their lives and their families lives and still appeared to be married as of 2015.

The couple also struggled with visa issues as Omar was keen to move to the UK with his wife, but was denied as it would cause "considerable public concern".

Omar said he would like to become an "ambassador of peace" between Muslims and the West, and describes a complicated relationship with his terrorist dad.

He has spoken perviously to ABC about harsh beatings from bin Laden, and also claimed the last time he spoke to him was around 2000 or 2001.


Who is Hamza bin Laden?

Hamza bin Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, who was killed in 2019, was allegedly poised to take over as al-Qaeda's terror chief.

He was thought to be in his late twenties or early thirties when he died.

The heir to the bloody throne's past was dotted with various dodgy terror dealings, including a twisted poem he penned in 2008 proclaiming: "Accelerate the destruction of America, Britain, France and Denmark".

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Hamza is also said to be linked to the 2017 assasination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto - although this is hotly disputed.

Hamza was also reportedly shot and injured in the 2011 raid that killed his father.

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Osama bin Laden children: Who are his daughters and sons? (2024)


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