Hot 105 | Rickey Smiley Morning Show – HOT 105! (2024)


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latest.artist : self.args.stationTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('artist', latest.artist); self.setCMGPPDetails('title', latest.title); if (latest.artists[0]) { self.setCMGPPDetails('linkUrl', '/lsp/artist/bio/' + latest.artists[0].slug + '/'); } else { self.setCMGPPDetails('linkUrl', ''); } playerVoting.classList.remove('hidden'); playerVotingExpanded.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { self.setCMGPPDetails('thumbnailUrl', self.args.stationLogoSmall); self.setCMGPPDetails('largeImageUrl', self.args.stationLogo); self.setCMGPPDetails('largeImageAlt', self.args.stationTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('artist', self.args.stationStatement); self.setCMGPPDetails('title', self.args.stationTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('albumTitle', ''); self.setCMGPPDetails('linkUrl', ''); playerVoting.classList.add('hidden'); playerVotingExpanded.classList.add('hidden'); } // fire the event after we've already done all of our processing to avoid data mutation side-effects var detail = { type: 'LSP', data: event.detail }; window.fireEvent(self.args.type, detail); historyId = newId; self.updatePlayerInfo(); }); // scheduler listener (newstalk) window.addEventListener('Scheduler', function (event) { var data = {}; if (event.detail.current) { var current = event.detail.current; data.thumbnailUrl = self.args.stationLogoSmall; if (current.images && current.images.square) { data.thumbnailUrl = current.images.square; } if (current.images && current.images.lowres) { data.largeImageUrl = current.images.lowres; data.largeImageAlt = current.title; } else { data.largeImageUrl = self.args.stationLogo; data.largeImageAlt = self.args.stationTitle; } data.artist =; data.title = current.title; data.linkUrl = current.url; } else { data.thumbnailUrl = self.args.stationLogoSmall; data.largeImageUrl = self.args.stationLogo; data.largeImageAlt = self.args.stationTitle; data.artist = self.args.stationStatement; data.title = self.args.stationTitle; data.linkUrl = ''; } // exceptions if (self.args.stationURL === '') { data.linkUrl = '/bonetv'; } // send the normalized data to other components var detail = { type: 'Scheduler', data: { image: data.largeImageUrl, imageAlt: data.largeImageAlt, title: data.title, time: data.artist, url: data.linkUrl, original: event.detail } }; window.fireEvent(self.args.type, detail); // only update the persistent player info if this is not a music site if (!self.args.isMusicSite) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { self.setCMGPPDetails(key, data[key]); }); self.updatePlayerInfo(); } }); // modal button listeners var modal = document.getElementById('player-retry-modal'); if (modal) { var closeModal = document.getElementById('closeModal'); if (closeModal) closeModal.addEventListener('click', function () { modal.classList.add('hidden'); document.body.classList.remove('locked'); }); var retryButton = document.getElementById('retryPlay'); if (retryButton) retryButton.addEventListener('click', function () { self.args.dataLayerFn(self.args.analyticsEvent, { element: 'retry modal', elementSubTitle: 'retry' }); modal.classList.add('hidden'); document.body.classList.remove('locked'); window.fireEvent('TogglePlayer'); }); } ; // adjust persistent player volume var volumeButton = document.getElementById("volumeButton"); if (volumeButton) { volumeButton.oninput = function () { var playerControls = document.getElementById('playerControls'); var playerControlsStyle = getComputedStyle(playerControls); var backgroundColor = self.args.isMusicSite ? 'white' : playerControlsStyle.backgroundColor; = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' + backgroundColor + ' 0%, ' + backgroundColor + ' ' + this.value + '%, #afafaf ' + this.value + '%, #afafaf 100%)'; var newVolume = / 100; _sgplayer.setVol(_sgplayer.audioElement, newVolume); }; } }, init: function init(type, isMusicSite, stationTitle, stationStatement, stationLogoSmall, stationLogo, stationURL, facebookAppID, playerFallback, stationID, analyticsEvent, dataLayerFn) { this.player = document.getElementById('persistent-player'); if (!this.player) return null; = stationLogoSmall; = stationLogo; = stationTitle; this.args = { type: type, isMusicSite: isMusicSite, stationTitle: stationTitle, stationStatement: stationStatement, stationLogoSmall: stationLogoSmall, stationLogo: stationLogo, stationURL: stationURL, facebookAppID: facebookAppID, playerFallback: playerFallback, stationID: stationID, analyticsEvent: analyticsEvent, dataLayerFn: dataLayerFn }; this.setUpFacebookShare(facebookAppID); this.setUpEventListeners(); return; } };});

Hot 105 | Rickey Smiley Morning Show – HOT 105! (2024)


What station can I listen to the Rickey Smiley Morning Show? ›

Rickey Smiley Morning Show – STAR 94.5.

What radio station is Rickey Smiley on in Miami, Florida? ›

Hot 105 | Rickey Smiley Morning Show – HOT 105! Wake up with Miami's funniest morning show, “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show” heard weekday mornings from 6-10 AM! Featuring: celebrity interviews, local news, entertainment news, and breaking news.

How do I contact Rickey Smiley on the morning show? › 📲 866-9-RICKEY #RSMS #RickeySmileyMorningShow.

What station is Rickey Smiley on in Jacksonville? ›

Hot 106.5 The Rickey Smiley Morning Show – Hot 106.5.

How do I listen to the Rickey Smiley Morning Show on Alexa? ›

Hot 1079 is Atlanta's #1 Hip Hop Station and the home of the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. Listen to Hot 1079's Live Stream! Once you've enabled the skill, you can say “Alexa, open Hot One Oh Seven Nine” to start listening. Rated: Guidance Suggested.

Where is the Rickey Smiley show broadcast from? ›

Atlanta, Georgia

Who owns Hot 105 Miami? ›

WHQT (105.1 FM, "Hot 105") is a commercial radio station owned by Cox Media Group and airing an urban adult contemporary radio format.

What radio station is 99.9 in Florida? ›

Florida's Original Country - WKIS-FM | KISS Country 99.9.

What radio station is the Rickey Smiley Morning Show on in Houston? ›

Wake up to the Rickey Smiley Morning Show on R&B 94.1 Monday - Friday 6am - 11am and Saturday 8am - 10am! Click HERE for more!

Why isn t Juicy on the Rickey Smiley Morning Show? ›

“In my opinion, if something is going to be said, I felt like it should have been the truth,” Juicy said. She says that the actual reason for her departure was because she wasn't offered a new contract when the show changed over to the Urban AC market in Joyner's slot.

What station is Rickey Smiley on in Tampa, Florida? ›

Rickey Smiley Morning Show – 101.5 The Vibe.

How do you text Rickey Smiley on the morning show? ›

Text RICKEY to 71007 to join.

Maximum of seven Text Club messages per week. To cancel Text Club, reply STOP to Text Club message. Reply HELP for more information. For complete Text Club terms and conditions and esign disclosures, click HERE.

Where can I watch the Rickey Smiley show? ›

How to Watch Rickey Smiley for Real. Right now you can watch Rickey Smiley for Real on Crackle, fuboTV, and Peaco*ck Premium.

What radio stations is Rickey Smiley on? ›

RNB 106.9 FM/103.3 HD2 starts your work day with The Rickey Smiley Morning Show, Monday – Friday, 5am – 9am.

What station is Rickey Smiley in Dallas? ›

Majic 94.5 - Rickey Smiley in the Morning - LISTEN LIVE | Audacy.

What radio station is Rickey Smiley on in Atlanta? ›

He is the host of the nationally syndicated Rickey Smiley Morning Show based in Atlanta from its flagship affiliate WHTA "Hot 107.9".

Is the Rickey Smiley Morning Show on podcast? ›

Hear Rickey, Da Brat, Gary with Da Tea, Special K, and Rock-T on The Rickey Smiley Morning Show Podcast right here daily.

Where does Rickey Smiley live? ›


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 5592

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.