Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (2024)

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (1)Need to express love in Hebrew? Good.

You’re on the right page. You’re going to learn the Top 15 Hebrew love phrases and compliments. Perfect for Valentine’s Day and other days when you feel the love! You get the…

  • Hebrew (writing) for these phrases
  • English pronunciation so you can say it
  • Pictures (please share :^) )
  • Free Audio Lesson from HebrewPod101 at the bottom with Hebrew pronunciation

And if you REALLY want to learn to Hebrew with effective lessons from real teachers – Sign up for free at HebrewPod101 and start learning!

Ready? Here are the top 15 Love phrases & compliments to know.

1. How to say “I love you” in Hebrew

  • Ani ohev otkha (male to female)
  • Ani ohevet otkha (female to male)

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (2)

Saying I love you in Hebrew, or in any language is an absolute must. Especially if you want to get your point across or to remind your love. Crucial phrase to know.

Or, if you want to say “I love (name)” in Hebrew, try this:

  • Ani ohev et (name) – (male to female)
  • Ani ohevet et (name) – (female to male)

2. “Happy Valentine’s Day” in Hebrew

  • Yom a’havah sa’me’ach
  • והבה שמם אח

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (3)

Is Valentine’s Day approaching? This will be necessary then. But please, have a present in hand as well. No-one likes being told “Happy Valentine’s Day” without also getting a present.

3. “Will you be my Valentine?” in Hebrew

  • Ha`tihiye ben zugi be`khag ha`ahava?
  • התהיה בן זוגי בחג האהבה

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (4)

Perfect if you want to ask your crush out in Hebrew. But only if you’re in a Valentine’s celebrating country. Israel doesn’t “celebrate” it but has a similar holiday called Tu B’Av which is called the holiday of love. It’s a good time for weddings. It’s the Israeli Valentine’s Day.

4. You mean so much to me.

  • Ata kol kakh khashuv li.
  • אתה כל כך חשוב לי.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (5)

Expressing your love aside, there are other great phrases. This is one of them. Most Hebrew learners won’t learn this – as it’s not a “must-know” phrase. However, this definitely makes you sound a lot better in Hebrew.

5. “You’re so beautiful” in Hebrew

  • At kol kakh yafa.
  • את כל כך יפה.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (6)

Honestly, what girl doesn’t like hearing this? I’d say this is the #2 most important phrase here, after “I love you.” Telling a girl that she’s beautiful is important. And if you’re learning Hebrew – memorize this!

6. I think of you as more than a friend.

  • Ani khoshev alaikh ke`yoter miydida.
  • אני חושב עליך כיותר מידידה

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (7)

Something most Hebrew learners won’t know. This is a bit of an advanced phrase! Want to step out of the friend zone and let them know it’s serious? Good one to make yourself sound a more experienced speaker.

7. A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.

  • Mea levavot ihiyu meat midai kdei lehakhil et kol ha`ahava sheli elaikh.
  • מאה לבבות יהיו מעט מדי כדי להכיל את כל האהבה שלי אלייך.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (8)

Now we’re getting poetic. What a phrase. Again, typical learners don’t get to learn these. This is more of natural, and very passionate, Hebrew language.

8. Love is just love. It can never be explained.

  • Ahava hi pashut ahava. hi af pa-am lo musberet.
  • אהבה היא פשוט אהבה. היא אף פעם לא מוסברת.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (9)

Just in case they ask you why you love them. Well, who knows! Sorry for you being so beautiful! Yeah, just tell them this.

9. Say “You’re so handsome” in Hebrew

  • Ata kol kakh yafe.
  • אתה כל כך יפה.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (10)

And if you’re a woman that want’s to compliment a guy in Hebrew, don’t worry, you’re not forgotten. Guys like compliments too!

10. I’ve got a crush on you.

  • Ani daluk alaikh.
  • אני דלוק עלייך.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (11)

It’s not love yet. But there’ something there. This is the perfect Hebrew confession phrase. Everyone has a crush and will have more. So, you will need this at some point.

11. You make me want to be a better man.

  • At goremet li lirtsot lihiyot adam tov yoter.
  • את גורמת לי לרצות להיות אדם טוב יותר.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (12)

This is for guys to use on an Israeli girl. Does she make you want to shave? Put on a suit? Lose weight? Be the best at being yourself? Tell her that!

12. You are my sunshine, my love.

  • Ata ha`keren or sheli, ha`ahava sheli.
  • אתה הקרן אור שלי, האהבה שלי.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (13)

Good, warm expression and compliment. Something textbooks won’t teach and you’d have to ask a native speaker for.

13. Words can’t describe my love for you.

  • Milim lo yekholot letaer et ha`ahava sheli elekha.
  • מילים לא יכולות לתאר את האהבה שלי אלייך.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (14)

Now we’re getting serious. Can’t describe your love? Well, we can’t all be Shakespeare. And maybe, words actually just aren’t enough. This an advanced Hebrew phrase.

14. We were meant to be together.

  • Noadnu lihiyot yakhad.
  • נועדנו להיות יחד.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (15)

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more serious – this phrase comes along. Save this for your marriage. A bit of a bold statement!

15. If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you’re definitely in love.

  • Eem khashavta al mishehi bizman she`karata et ze, ata lelo safek meohav.
  • אם חשבת על מישהו בזמן שקראת את זה, אתה ללא ספק מאוהב.

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (16)

Just a silly, fun phrase. Were you thinking of anyone? I bet you were thinking “Oh, this Linguajunkie character is so handsome.” Well, you’re definitely in love. Be sure to confess in the comments below!

And done! Looking for the free lesson from HebrewPod101? Play the lesson below:

Feel free to share these, pin these, like or tweet these! And if you’re interested in Hebrew, be sure to visit HebrewPod101 (click here) – an online Hebrew learning system – where these phrases are taken form.

Let me know what you think! Any phrases missed?

Want to confess your love?

Leave a comment down below!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. And if you REALLY want to learn to Hebrew with effective lessons from real teachers – Sign up for free at HebrewPod101 and start learning!

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (17)

Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More (2024)


Hebrew Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More? ›

Ani Ohev Otkha (אני אוהב אותך)

The Hebrew phrase “Ani ohev otkha” is as diverse as its English counterpart. It means “I love you”, and it's a phrase you shouldn't be afraid to use liberally.

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Ani Ohev Otkha (אני אוהב אותך)

The Hebrew phrase “Ani ohev otkha” is as diverse as its English counterpart. It means “I love you”, and it's a phrase you shouldn't be afraid to use liberally.

What is the Hebrew word for Valentine's Day? ›

Tu B'Av (Hebrew: ט״ו באב, lit. 'fifteenth of Av') is a minor Jewish holiday. In modern-day Israel, it is celebrated as a holiday of love (חג האהבה Ḥag HaAhava). It has been said to be an auspicious day for weddings.

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Ahava is the most commonly used word for love in Hebrew. It is derived from the root word 'Ahav', meaning 'to give'. Ahava is the term for both romantic love and the love of family, friends and those around you.

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In this section we'll explore three of these Hebrew words for love – 'ahava', 'dodim', and 'hesed'. While they all touch upon the essence of love, they offer different perspectives, illustrating the depth and richness of love.

What is the love verse in Hebrews? ›

Bible Gateway Hebrews 13 :: NIV. Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

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Agape – unconditional "God" love.

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Top Valentine's Day Bible Verses

1 Corinthians 13:4-8: Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.

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Valentine's Day celebrated on the 14th of February every year is a day to celebrate love and affection. The day has roots in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which honored the god Lupercus. The day is also linked to the Feast of St. Valentine, a Christian feast day that honors a third-century saint.

What is the Hebrew letter for love? ›

The Hebrew verb אהב (ahav, pronounced ah-HAV, with the final bet pronounced as a "v") is a Biblical Hebrew word meaning "to love." The noun form of this word is אהבה (ahavah, pronounced ah-ha-VAH) meaning "love." Ahav and ahavah cover a broad spectrum of concepts of love.

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The word that is translated to “faithful love” is the Hebrew word “Hesed.” This is a word that can easily lose its full meaning through translation.

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Ahavat Olam - Unconditional Love.

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In part one (0:00–16:10), Tim, Jon, and Carissa explore the fourth attribute God assigns himself in Exodus 34:6-7: loyal love. This phrase is a translation of the Hebrew word khesed. Khesed is a challenging word to translate because it combines the ideas of love, generosity, and enduring commitment.

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A6: In Hebrew, the form you use often depends on your own gender and the gender of the person you're speaking to. If you're a man expressing love to a woman, you would say “אני אוהב אותך” (Ani ohev otach). If you're a woman expressing love to a man, you'd say “אני אוהבת אותך” (Ani ohevet otcha).

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The Hebrew word for love is ahavah, which is rooted in the more molecular word hav,1 which means to give, revealing that, according to Judaism, giving is at the root of love.

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The Hebrew Word for Love: Ahava / Ahab

In the Bible, ahava often points to an intense emotional bond, a strong connection. For example, it says that Jacob “loved Joseph more than all his children” (Gen. 37:3). And romantically as well, like in the case of Isaac who loved his wife Rebekah (Gen.

What is my love called in Hebrew? ›

There are a few ways to say “my love” in Hebrew: For a guy: אהוב שלי (A'huv Sheli); For a girl: אהובה שלי (A'huva Sheli) For a guy: אהובי (A'huvi) ; For a girl: אהובתי (A'huvati)

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Ahava. It may be hard to resist this Hebrew girls' name and its meaning, “love.”


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.