Cranberry Orange Bundt Cake - Recipes Food and Cooking (2024)

by Mary Ellen 22 Comments

Cranberry Orange Bundt Cake - Recipes Food and Cooking (1)

Cranberry Orange Bundt Cake

I just took my first bite of this cake I made yesterday. It taunted me all day but I resisted. This cake is super moist and the cranberries in a wonderful contrast to the sweetness of the cake. I used a light glaze on the cake to add another taste of sweetness just in case there wasn’t enough. This cake almost has a pound cake texture. It will be the perfect addition to any holiday table. I served mine with a cranberry sauce that I made a few days ago. I was intending to take the cranberries out of the syrup and dry them but since I am running out of time I left it as a syrup. This cranberry syrup would also be good over pancakes, waffles or even crepes.

Also in this picture below is mymom’s fudgethat she made every year for Christmas. Also pictured are theButterscotch Balls we made for many years, except these were dipped inpeanut butter chips because I messed up the butterscotch tips melting them. I decided to dothe butterscotch tips like I do chocolate sometimes. I put the chips in the microwave for 30 seconds twice at half power and let it set in the microwave while I rolled the balls.I was thinking some of the chips would just melt like chocolate does and it would need less microwaving this way.As soon as went to stir the butterscotch chips I knew I had an issue because it acted like it was seizing. So I added a couple tablespoons of oil to it and that did it. It finished seizing the rest of the way and would not smooth out. Lesson learned. When you go to melt confectionery type chocolates, do it just before you need it. Luckily I had a bag of peanut butter chips in my cupboard or I would of wasted an hour going to the store.

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Cranberry Orange Bundt Cake

Author:Mary Ellen @ Recipes Food and Cooking

Recipe type:Dessert, Bundt Cake

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

Serves:Serves 8

This cranberry orange cake is almost like a pound cake and gets better as it sets. Bake it in a bundt or loaf pan.


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • zest of one orange - about 1 tablespoon
  • juice of an orange
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh cranberries
  • For the Icing:
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 - 3 tablespoons water, milk or orange juice


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a bundt pan with cooking spray. Sprinkle the 2 tablespoons of sugar on the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of the cranberries on the bottom of the pan. Set aside.
  2. Cream together butter and sugar until sugar turn a lemon color, about 4 - 5 minutes. Add eggs one at a time and mix in until incorporated.
  3. Add the orange juice and zest. Add the sour cream.
  4. When incorporated add the flour, salt and baking powder. When this is all mixed together stir in the remaining 1 1/4 cups cranberries.
  5. Bake for 50 - 55 minutes until a tester comes out clean. Let pan set for 5 minutes after you take the cake out of the oven. Turn over cake unto a wire rack to cool. Mix up your glaze ingredients and spread on top and sides of cake.


I have remade this cake now 2 times because of all the comments I am getting and I want to be sure the results are the same for you as they are for me. The cake in the picture I used a smaller bundt pan which is why it looks so tall, mine is about 8 cups. The cake will rise to the top of it. It will also fall slightly as it cools. The amount is also enough to make it in a bread pan.

The flour amount is correct. This makes a delicious cake with a tart cranberry cake.

Sprinkle the sugar lightly around the pan, do not let a bunch of sugar be in one spot. Think of it like adding flour to a cake pan for releasing the cake.

If the tartness of the cranberries is not your thing use Crasins instead for a sweeter cake.

This recipe was originally published at That's My Home. It is one of the most commented recipes on that site. The comments are still there if you want to read them.

I would double this recipe if using a larger bundt pan.

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Cranberry Orange Bundt Cake - Recipes Food and Cooking (2024)


Why is a Bundt cake better than a regular cake? ›

The bundt pan allows more of the cake to be in contact with the edges of the pan, and therefore the heat is transferred more evenly. If you put pound cake into a regular round cake pan, it will not cook in the center or it will burn on the edges.

Can you use an angel food pan for a Bundt cake? ›

Can I bake a bundt cake in an angel food cake pan with a removable bottom? —M.J., Spokane, Washington Yes, indeed, as long as the cake batter fills the pan about two-thirds full. To prevent leaking, wrap the bottom of the outside of the pan with aluminum foil first.

How long to let Bundt cake cool before eating? ›

I'd give it at least 45 minutes… Bundt cake is usually very dense so it will take longer to cool completely…

How do you keep a bundt cake moist? ›

Oil – Using oil in place of butter results in a tender, moist cake. Vanilla Extract – A high-quality vanilla extract makes all the difference in terms of flavor. Sour Cream – Sour cream is my essential ingredient for keeping cakes moist (more on this below).

Can I use a 9x13 pan instead of a Bundt pan? ›

Can you bake a Bundt cake in a 13×9 pan? Yes—but don't overfill the pan. Be sure to leave about 1/2″ to 1/4″ of space at the top to give the cake room to grow. You'll also need to adjust your baking time.

What is the difference between a fluted tube pan and a bundt pan? ›

The most apparent difference between the two is the design of the circular pan. The tube cake pan exhibits smooth sides, while the Bundt pan consists of wavy grooves. Both come in a variety of sizes, and the Bundt pan's flutes come in a range of patterns.

Can I substitute loaf pans for a Bundt pan? ›

For almost all baking applications, you can freely substitute a bundt pan for a loaf pan, especially for quick breads like banana bread or pumpkin bread. I have often made my Thanksgiving cornbread in a bundt to get a more attractive presentation.

Can you use Pam to grease a bundt pan? ›

Please do NOT use a regular cooking spray because it tends to leave a sticky residue on the pan, and the cake may stick; also, the residue left on the pan may be very difficult to clean completely, making it more likely that future cakes will stick.

How long to leave cake in bundt pan before removing? ›

Allow the Cake to Cool

Once you've cooked your bundt cake and removed it from the oven, allow it to cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Then place a wire cooling rack over the base of the cake and invert the pan to release.

Do Bundt pans need to be greased? ›

➜ Should I grease a bundt pan with non-stick coating? Even if a bundt cake pan has a nonstick coating, it is best to grease and flour it to make sure the cake comes out easily. Nonstick cake pans lose adhesion with use and over time, so it is best to prepare the pan before baking as a preventative measure.

Can I leave a bundt cake in the pan overnight? ›

Make sure you are using a non stick bundt pan. Do not cool your cake overnight in the pan.

What is so special about Bundt cake? ›

Not only are these pretty round cakes with their signature hole in the center a breeze to bake, but they make a delicious dessert straight from the oven. Bundt cakes can be dressed up with a dusting of confectioners sugar, a swoosh of frosting, or just a simple vanilla glaze.

What are the advantages of Bundt cake? ›

Like other tube or ring style pans, the central tube allows faster and more even heat distribution when baking large volumes of batter. Ring pans like Bundt molds heat faster than regular round pans and they bake deep cakes evenly even at diameters over 9 inches.

Why are bundt cakes special? ›

The secret to their irresistible texture lies in their ingredients and baking method. Often made with enriching agents like sour cream or buttermilk, and baked in a circular pan that ensures even cooking, Bundt cakes have a moistness that is unmatched.

Is there a difference between Bundt cake and regular cake? ›

The differences between a Bundt cake and a regular cake are shape, size, and texture. The ingredients may be the same, but the end result looks different. A regular cake can be round, square, rectangular or any shape really.


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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