54 Quotes About Turning 60 to Kick-Off the Celebrations - Catalyst (2024)

The 60s is a time of celebration, to reflect on what you’ve achieved and to look forward to what is to come. If you or someone you know is turning 60, share these quotes with them to inspire them to kick off their celebrations!

Not everyone accepts aging immediately after turning sixty and this is completely normal. This is why we wanted to showcase the emotional spectrum of what it means to turn sixty with laughter, sadness (in some cases), optimism, and positivity. Keep reading to discover some unique quotes about turning 60.

Funny Quotes About Turning 60

“A man of sixty has spent twenty years in bed and over three years in eating.”

Arnold Bennett

“Do I envy my ex Rod Stewart for being able to have babies in his 60s? I sincerely doubt he changes nappies.”

Britt Ekland

“When you’re 16, 30 seems ancient. When you’re 30, 45 seems ancient. When you’re 45, 60 seems ancient. When you’re 60, nothing seems ancient.”

Helen Mirren

“God, I’m just a fat bald guy, 60 years old, singing the blues, you know?”

Joe co*cker

“My parents didn’t want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that’s the law.”

Jerry Seinfeld

“Well, I am 60 now. And this entitles me to:

Say whatever I like to whoever I like,

To take umbrage at anything I choose,

To find fault in everything and everyone,

To only focus on the worst-case scenario,

To generally just be a… Grumpy Old Woman!!!”


“With my sunglasses on, I’m Jack Nicholson. Without them, I’m fat and 60.”

Jack Nicholson

“I often laugh and say I should go down to the Department of the Interior and register as an endangered species. I’m a gay man over 60 and I’m alive.”

David Mixner

“At 60 years old, your broad mind and narrow waist have traded places.”


“Now that I’m 60, every morning I look in the mirror and say, “I don’t know who you are, stranger, but I’m gonna shave you anyway.”

Milton Friedman

Short Quotes About Turning 60

“It’s a beautiful thing at 60 to know who you are.”

Richard Mourdock

“Keep calm, you’re only 60.”


“You’re a certified classic at sixty!”

Dane Peddigrew

“At twenty a man is a peaco*ck, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a serpent, at sixty a dog, at seventy an ape, at eighty a nothing at all.”

Baltasar Gracian

“With mirth and laughter, let old wrinkles come.”

William Shakespeare

“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety- seven now, and we don’t know where the hell she is.”

Ellen DeGeneres

“After a man passes sixty, his mischief is mainly in his head.”

E. W. Howe

“If I had to live again I would do exactly the same thing. Of course, I have regrets, but if you are 60 years old and you have no regrets, then you haven’t lived.”

Christy Moore

“One good thing about being 60 is you argue less. It’s not so much that you’re nicer, you just can’t hear each other.”


“We have the same soul at 60 that we had at 40, and the same soul at 25 that we had when we were 5.”

Marianne Williamson

“I recently turned 60. Practically a third of my life is over.”

Woody Allen

“How can they say my life is not a success? Have I not for more than sixty years got enough to eat and escaped being eaten?”

Logan Pearsall Smith

“I’m going to be 60, and I’m almost used to myself.”

Martin Scorsese

“One starts to get young at the age of sixty.”

Pablo Picasso

“I’m sixty years of age. That’s 16 Celsius.”

George Carlin

Inspirational Quotes About Turning 60

“To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.”

Oscar Wilde

“After a man passes sixty, his mischief is mainly in his head.”

Washington Irving

“Sixty is only a number that takes on meaning when everyone else seems to be able to dance longer than you.”

Byron Pulsifer

“The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.”

Doug Larson

“The experience once turning 60 means that you have every right to be right even when you are wrong.”

Byron Pulsifer

“What happens when you get to the age of 60 is that you have no more doubts. I know why I’m here on this planet. I know what I need to do. I know what a distraction is and what isn’t.”

John Zorn

“I’m turning 60 this month! I’m so glad I’ve lived long enough to say those words and celebrate their meaning. I am in awe of the way my journey here on earth continues to unfold. My life has been marked by miracles for as long as I can recall – and even before. Every day and every breath is magic.”

Oprah Winfrey

“You might think it’s really nifty,

Sixty’s now the brand new fifty,

And you would not now have the blues,

If your gut had heard the news.”

Greg Tamblyn

“I wanted to show I had balls at age 60. Just because society says I’m old, doesn’t mean that I am. I’m pursuing happiness, even if it makes the people around me unhappy.”

Sylvester Stallone

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Abraham Lincoln

“How fast the years go by not yet able to appreciate the full meaning of life but understanding that each of us continues to grow only if we want to and not assuming that turning 60 brings special knowledge.”

Byron Pulsifer

“Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy. Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy.”

Dorothy Thompson

Positive Quotes About Turning 60

“We spend our lives on the run: we get up by the clock, eat and sleep by the clock, get up again, go to work – and then we retire. And what do they give us? A bloody clock.”

Dave Allen

“Take control of the second half of your life. Dream about it, wonder about it, and think boldly about what you want. And take the first step, which is usually the hardest.”

Charles R. Schwab

“The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves to dreams, the old servants of regrets. Only the middle- aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.”

Hervey Allen

“Despite what others may think, turning 60 brings its own rewards. But the rewards are only short lived knowing that there is still too much to learn.”

Byron Pulsifer

“The older you get, the better you get. Unless you’re a banana.”

Betty White

“Only the middle- aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“Sixty years ago, I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”

Will Durant

“You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul’s own doing.”

Marie Stopes

“The secret of long life is double careers. One to about age sixty, then another for the next thirty years.”

David Ogilvy

“How can they say my life is not a success? Have I not for more than sixty years got enough to eat and escaped being eaten?”

Logan Pearsall Smit

“Whether you are sixteen or over sixty, remember, understatement is the rule of a fine makeup artist.”

Helena Rubinstein

“Men come of age at sixty, women at fifteen.”

James Stephens

“With sixty staring me in the face, I have developed inflammation of the sentence structure and definite hardening of the paragraphs.”

James Thurber

“My mother, at sixty, is one of those classic beauties: all neck and cheekbones, sharp lines that hide her wrinkles from a distance. She still gets whistles from construction workers from three stories up.”

Lisa Lutz

“Now that I am sixty, I see why the idea of elder wisdom has passed from currency.”

John Updike

“Twenty can’t be expected to tolerate sixty in all things, and sixty gets bored stiff with twenty’s eternal love affairs.”

Emily Carr

“Forty for you, sixty for me. And equal partners we will be.”

Joan Rivers
54 Quotes About Turning 60 to Kick-Off the Celebrations - Catalyst (1)

Rejoice – You’re Sixty!

From maintaining your skin radiance and glow, to meeting your friends and rediscovering what you like, wearing whatever you want, and doing whatever you like, the sixties can be a blessing in disguise!

The sixties are a time to fully embrace all of your emotional spectra and feel comfortable with your body while still maintaining your sexual appetites. Many people who enter their sixties decide to devote themselves to things they like doing, do more exercise, go out and meet people who please them and who motivate them, and above all: people who are in their sixties know how to say “No”. They feel better and they talk more about their feelings. Again? Yes, because wisdom says: everything else is overrated.

“So what? Why does it matter? Every cell in my body has changed many times, thank God I am no longer the same person I was a few years ago or a few decades ago. Change is inevitable.”

Change is the only constant in our lives. You embrace it and accept it. Entering our sixties is a time to embrace how we look and feel. It is exactly around this age that many realize that life is worth living only when living the life you love.

Turning 60 Will Remind You of Your Independence

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Many people report that turning sixty felt like leaving societal prison. Our dependence on the opinions of others often costs us decades of a life that could have been lived better. People who turn sixty often turn to their loved ones and focus on what they love doing. During this time, it is beneficial to strengthen the bonds you have with other people.

The sense of independence can also be overwhelming. These are the years when many completely retire and focus on enjoying their life. The sixties remind you that you can be the center of your universe and that everything that needs to come comes to you, a different you, a stronger and more independent you, will come if you allow it.

Tips on Being the Best You in Your Sixties

Turning 60 is one of those turning points in life. Maybe you’re still working, but you’re already thinking about retirement. Or you’ve already retired and maybe you’re thinking about moving. At 60, you are still relatively young and there is still a lot ahead of you. Here are a couple of tips that might help you ease into this exciting new milestone:

Be the family hero.

If you are a retiree with savings, and you are thinking about how you could contribute to future generations, invest money in the education of your grandchildren. In addition to investing in something extremely valuable, you will relieve the burden on their parents, that is, on your children.

Make new friends

Today, it is common knowledge that potential love partners can be found online. But what about new friendships, meeting people who share your interests, and are interested in socializing, but not necessarily in a romantic relationship? Many dating sites and apps are available for you to find a partner, a friend, or a fling, it’s all up to you.


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If you decide to clean up your home and make a nice summary of your life so far, use this trip down memory lane to declutter. You need more space for new memories. Instead of disposing of items that will no longer be of use to you in the often quickly forgotten attic and basem*nt spaces, try selling them or giving them away.

There are numerous online auctions where you can advertise almost anything imaginable, and if you want to save valuable time, you can seek the help of some of the agencies that specialize in buying used things.

Move, but…

After their sixtieth birthday, people move for various reasons, most often to be closer to their children and grandchildren, to live in a warmer climate, or to reduce living expenses. Before taking such a big step, it is important to be aware of your priorities.

Maybe it will be the proximity to the sea, and maybe it will be crucial for you to live in an artistically oriented community but be sure to persevere in what is important to you, because you may be deciding for the rest of your life. For the same reason, if you are able to, spend a few “trial” months in the location you have chosen for your new home.

You come first

Are your children employed and in stable relationships? Breathe a sigh of relief! Finally, the time has come when you can turn to yourself, and one of the good ways is to join one of the lifelong education and learning programs. Do not feel guilty because you are no longer always close to your family.

If you now do things solely aimed at your personal development and satisfaction, your role as a parent or a grandparent will not be diminished in the least. Although many people think that life after the age of 60 becomes more challenging and uncertain, this can be a very fulfilling and beautiful period of life. Whether you want to travel, work, relax or volunteer, there’s no reason that life after 60 can’t be amazing.

The body may indeed be getting slower, and you are facing some new challenges in life, but now you are entering it with much more experience, you know what you need to live the way you want.

Take care of your body and health

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Women in their 60s can continue to get stronger and feel great if they stay physically active. Go out and explore nature. Choose an activity that pleases you – walking, swimming, cycling, gym – everything that makes your body better and you in a better mood. Get started today!

Depending on your overall health and lifestyle, there may be some exercises that are better than others.

Accept aging and love your body

It is definite that we become wiser with age, and with that wisdom should come to the awareness that our body is great the way it is and that we love and accept it. This does not mean that you should ignore your form, health, and appearance, but that you should try to stay active, but also not criticize your wrinkles, skin, weight… Be gentle with yourself and realize that you are beautiful both inside and out.

Choose food that is valuable for your body

Make eating a beautiful and healthy ritual. Instead of “mindless eating” in front of the TV, be more deliberate and careful about every morsel of food on your plate. Become aware of what food you eat, how much, and how it affects your body. Buy carefully and think about the size of the portions, but this does not mean that you should be on a strict diet, but that you treat yourself to your favorite treats from time to time.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! You are in your 60s! Realize that now is the time to do or continue to do wonderful things for yourself and make quality decisions for your life. Build on your experiences but cultivate curiosity and indulge in new life adventures. Leave the past behind, take only what is valuable, and make the soul happy. Don’t think about how uncertain the future is, but live here and now, in complete harmony with yourself and the world around you.

54 Quotes About Turning 60 to Kick-Off the Celebrations - Catalyst (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.